Friday, 11 July 2014

Doctor Who has to be real!

I just stumbled across a very interesting little article that, once again, shows me that the world of Doctor Who might not be as far away as we think. The article explains that basically the Sonic Screwdriver, the Angels and the Doctor himself are/can be real.

Some days ago I saw a picture of Mt. Rushmore where one of the heads looks light the eight Doctor. Seriously though, I mean: who tells us that the Doctor's adventures, he himself and his planet aren't real?

I really like to believe that the Doctor and the species of the Time Lords is real since we don't know what else is out there. There are still so many things to discover and maybe we had the idea to create the world of Doctor Who because something in us told us about those adventures because deep inside we feel like the Doctor's stories are true. Every time at night when I like out of the window and I see a blinking light in the sky flying around I smile because I often think that this could be the Doctor in his TARDIS. Call me crazy or strange who doesn't want time travelling and a funny, clever alien to be real?

All this sounds weird, I know and you also need probably a lot of fantasy and faith to believe in this kind of stuff. But somehow it gives me hope and again brings some magic in our lives. Just imagine that it is not completely impossible that one day you walk around and suddenly you hear the sound of engines and the TARDIS materialising in a side street. And then I think the Doctor will be happy to see that we know him, know what he has always done and that we love him and are always ready to go with him.

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