Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Doctor Who Series 6: completed!

I have finally finished the sixth series of Doctor Who!!! When I started watching Doctor Who I just came as far as series 5 because that were the DVD's my friend had and which I borrowed from her. That was two years ago. And a few months ago I decided to re-watch all episodes and finally going further and so I have now reached series 6 and I'm about to start with series 7. Because I want to be up-to-date when Peter Capaldi comes on August the 23rd!

I have to say that this was a pretty interesting series though I also have to say that I liked series 5 a bit more. What I noticed is that all the problems the Doctor, Amy and Rory faced were very often concentrated on themselves. There were enemies who did something but most of the time one of the three became the problem (sort of). You had a Doppelganger Doctor, you also had old Amy from the future saving her younger self or Amy becoming a wooden doll. It were quite some interesting and thrilling adventures and I have to admit I have never cried that often while watching Doctor Who as in this series. Especially when it came out that Amy was not real and her baby was not as well. Loved that episodes!

What of course was also in the focus of the sixth series was the whole story about River Song alias Melody Pond. Already the fact that she is the daughter of Amy and Rory is a little bit weird but an interesting idea if you think about it more closely. Well, but I had to go through all the River parts of this series again to make clear that I've now really understood what happened to little Melody Pond. She was taken away from her parents, has Time Lord parts in her, so regenerates into River and was apparently trained to kill the Doctor. Unfortunately we did not see much from River's story, many parts we just get told. Okay the following now is a bit paradox compared with the stuff before: I personally have to admit that there was a bit too much River for me but then I also have to say that I'm not the biggest fan of her. (Jap, sorry guys!) I would like her more if we knew and saw more of her. She is always flirty with the Doctor like they have known for a very long time and she is always like "Yeah, he's my boyfriend, I can flirt with him, make funny comments..." etc. And I was not satisfied with the last episode as usually because she marries the Doctor. I just did not feel comfortable with that because she always just appears out of nowhere, is like the Doctor's weird/secret girlfriend and is allowed to flirt with him and everything without the fact that we know that much about her. And it was a bit disappointing for me that in the end she marries the Doctor to save the world. No, sorry, but I've seen better Doctor Who finales than this one.

The relationship between Amy and Rory also finally got more in the focus especially Rory's part in the relationship and in the adventures was shown better and much more of it. It was always very emotional when it came to problems or hard decisions in their relationship and it was well worked into the adventures around them. I never felt pushed into the relationship story of them. Their relationship went through really hard times, very often they did not even remember each other or they got separated or had tiny doubts but it got never boring to see how they find each other again and how strong their love is. I also loved it to see, after we had Amy in the fifth series, how Rory now was doing in the TARDIS. he is finally a part of the adventures and it was good to see more of him. You also got now more of the serious Rory, also the lovely husband and a caring father.

Apart from the (once again) interesting adventures we also got again some really great acting of Matt, Karen and Arthur. They all did a fantastic job not just in their leading roles. Sometimes there were also copies or Doppelganger of the characters and they played them excellently as well. And also the guest stars were doing an awesome job.

My result with this series is the following: it were again wonderful adventures around the Doctor and his companions to watch. As we are already used this it got sometimes a little bit complicated but if you pay attention you will be able to catch up with everything. Some little points like explanations or characters structures had sometimes tiny difficulties which can be overseen. It was a good series to watch, I would say that series 5 was maybe a little bit better but this series definitely shows us again what Doctor Who is about: a weird alien in a blue box who travels with his friends.

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