Sunday 6 November 2016

Gotham "Blood Rush": Is everyone gonna go crazy?!

The effects of a recent incident begin to cause Barnes to go mad; Nygma is over his head in his relationship with Isabella; Carmine Falcone throws an engagement party for Lee and Mario.
I'm seriously asking myself why I even bother to come up with all these insane predictions, Gotham screws us over anyway every week. I guess it's a coping mechanism to bridge the time between new episodes and trying to make sense of things. But then: this is Gotham, we never know what will happen so let's see what they're trying to do to us tomorrow:

Let me just say that it's wonderful to see Jim back with the GCPD and Bullock. I missed the dynamic between the two and I do hope that we get to see some old-school Season 1/2 moments. However, I don't believe that Jim will have time to calmly ease into his old position again, something's going to come up and it's going to be something personal.

The focus of this episode however, is going to move away from Jim a bit because the Mad Hatter has been captured, but there's still his sister's blood and what it did to this guy:

I believe tomorrow we will see what truly has happened to Barnes, his powers are going to come out for real this time. And we also see him talking to the Mad Hatter in Arkham Asylum, there might be some sinister things going on between the two. Jervis looks very excited and interested about Barnes' transformation, seeing the connection to his sister in those new powers. Jervis will definitely try to fuel those strange feelings/thoughts within Barnes, who will try to deny them but eventually be unable to control them. I think that tomorrow we might finally get to know who Barnes has really become. if he is going to be Bane (still don't think so) or someone completely else? And the Mad Hatter certainly has his hands in their somewhere so I believe we will see more of Barnes' transformation in connection to Jervis.

Somewhere else in Gotham Lee is trying to live her new life. But in a city like Gotham, even an engagement can mean something horrible. The engagement party is most certainly not going to be 100% care-free. Lee still has some feelings for Jim (who also still loves her), Mario is part of the Falcone family (which says it all) and in the trailer we see a two old girlfriends getting together again: Lee and Barbara back together. Presumably Barbara is just there to troll Lee, teasing her about Jim and her past and new life. It's going to be interesting how the two women will interact after all this time. Mario and Jim also seem to crash once again. It's imaginable but daring to think that Jim will actually turn up at the engagement party. I'm already calling the awkwardness and the anger between Jim and Mario. Something bad is about to happen...

Let us come to our (well, certainly my) favourite topic when we talk about Gotham: what's up with Oswald and Edward? I was pretty much Oswald in the last episode: jealous, angry and trying very hard not to kill Isabella. But maybe she's soon going to disappear by herself because: did you fucking see that real-looking Kristen?! Once again I'm calling it: something is very fishy and weird about that Clone-Kristen and I think tomorrow we're going to see why. Did you see her devilish, sneaky look in the trailer when she picked up those glasses? And guess who's glasses those are?! Could be Edward's, but I'm almost 100% sure those are Kristen's which Edward kept after her death. And who do we see in the mirror and shitting our pants just like Edward: suddenly old Kristen is back!

I'm telling you, that Clone-Kristen is about to do some very weird and fucked up shit. Perhaps she is so much into Edward and especially his dark side that she finds out about the original Kristen and dresses up as her in order to surprise Edward and do something (I have no idea what) to him. Edward doesn't seem too thrilled by that whole scenario. Sure, we see him kiss that Kristen in the trailer, but his hand is on her throat and he obviously seems very unsettled by all this.

Maybe Clone-Kristen is stepping up her game in seducing and manipulating Edward, which would play even more into the theory that she's some sort of honey-trap send my Butch or I don't know who. If we're are lucky Edward is perhaps slowly realising that this Clone-Kristen isn't good for him and that there's actually a certain someone who truly loves him.

And all the Nygmobblepot people (me included) are like: AHHHHH!!!! I don't think they will make the feelings between these two mutual (yet) but maybe there's going to be another nice moment between Oswald and Edward. Maybe Edward is in doubt over his relationship with Clone-Kristen (because she starts to get creepy) and Oswald comforts him, maybe even seeing his chance of coming back into the game. With a bit of luck and hope we might even see Edward starting to discover his own feelings for Oswald and perhaps he'll be in some kind of confusion over his feelings for both those people. I believe there's an emotional roller-coaster waiting for Edward and maybe the Nygmobblepot-ship is still going to happen. (Hopefully) Let's just hope our dear little Oswald doesn't keep looking like this for much longer:

I think the next episode might truly be about going crazy, there are some interesting and creepy surprises waiting for us tomorrow. Let's hope Gotham won't kill our souls. Again. (Okay, they always do that)

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