Wednesday 2 November 2016

Gotham S03E07: Hallucionations and Heartbreak

Well, this week's episode of Gotham has certainly been a trip down the rabbit hole. Not just for Jim Gordon. We saw some crazy fantasies, some nice character moments, some mysteriousness and some heartbreak. It certainly is never easy for our citizens of Gotham, it's like they can never have one quiet day.

Let's immediately start with our dear sweet Oswald Cobblepot, mayor of Gotham and still trying to tell Edward his feelings for him. Life is not being easy on Oswald, not at all and by now I really feel sorry for the little Penguin. He is mayor and is in love and yet he's one of the most unluckiest characters at the moment, because in comes Edward with the great news of having fallen in love. And you could immediately see and feel Oswald's heart break. Respect to Robin Lord Taylor who, once again, shows what a fantastic actor he is. The moments of jealousy while still trying to keep up the facade of a happy friend, came out very nicely, so it felt both kinda funny and sad to see Oswald being upset about Clone-Kristen. And as expected he didn't leave that woman alone and right away tried to get her away from Edward, but (also as expected) this didn't work out. For now it seems like Edward takes this Clone-Kristen for granted and does have feelings for her without realising what he does to Oswald. It's really sad to see that even now Oswald still can't really escape this unfair and cruel life he's always had and I'm pretty sure that this will take a very dark turn very soon...

(Source: Facebook) 
Our dear old friend Jim Gordon has to fight some demons of his own. Almost literally. A hallucination story for a character is nothing new but I must say that they executed this quite nicely with the different scenarios. I was okay with Barbara in this episode, she was there and had a purpose and wasn't too annoying. It was also nice to see some longer, "personal" interaction between her and Jim. It was interesting to see what characters would appear in what way. Bruce was there and he was being quite creepy and very mysterious; unusual to see Bruce like this but I liked it. I also appreciate that they had Penguin in Jim's hallucination (in some very cool soldier outfits) because this shows the connection these two character have shared and still have. And then we see what Jim truly desires: a happy family life with Lee. I can't say I wasn't really surprised to see that, but it was nice to see a slightly more different side of Jim. Not the dark, serious and brooding fighter of justice, but simply a man who's happy. Why don't we get more moments like this? Adds some nice details to Jim's character. Nice move to actually have Lee's fiance be the one who saves Jim. It's very interesting to see how these two interact. In the end Jim is saved and Tetch actually captured, but this will most likely not be the end of it. And Jim joins the GCPD again. Finally! I was waiting for this for quite some time and I'm glad he's back in his proper place where we want him to be. That'll also gives us some more interaction between Jim and Bullock again which I missed a lot.

Who's There? - Gotham Season 3 Episode 7
But hang on! Wasn't there something between Barnes and Tetch? Yes, Barnes is still about to go crazy and now the Mad Hatter knows about it. There's definitely going to be some little story between these two characters and I think we will soon get to see what becomes of Barnes when the blood finally unleashes its entire power. I'm still wondering what kind of villain or whatever Barnes is going to be, it promises to be quite interesting, especially with the Mad Hatter knowing about this all now.

We also got to see Bruce and Selina again this week! Not much but it was really nice to see that they are trying to develop their relationship, with both of them admitting that they find this whole thing weird. It's nice to see that the two of them finally seem to agree with each other more and more and not get angry at each other every other moment or so. That cooking and baking was basically also a very nice touch of an already very mature Bruce trying to care about those he likes. Alfred also had some nice lines, being the concerned father figure here. I do hope we get to see more of these characters again in the next episodes.

Gotham Season 3
The two last things kind of go together: Jim's father and the Court of Owls. In his trip down the rabbit hole, Jim is confronted with his dead father and they have a very nice and interesting conversation, showing us who Jim wants to be and getting our focus on a mysterious ring on the hand of the father. Now, at the dinner Oswald attends, he meets the woman we already know from the Court of Owls. Here is where it gets interesting because we are told that they have basically been watching Oswald for a longer time already! So Penguin is under the watchful eye of the Court which could mean they already are trying to interfere with his affairs in some way or another. Maybe they are the ones who sent Clone-Kristen? It certainly is possible, it wouldn't be the first time they come of with a big, mysterious plan. At the end of the episode we're getting even more proof for this as we see the Court of Owls lady talking to a new, still kept in the dark figure. And what was that man wearing? The exact same ring that Jim's father had! First thought of course would be that Jim's dad actually runs the Court and thus Gotham. Maybe he faked his own death and stays away from his son. It could also be someone connected to Jim's father who received the ring from him. We don't know! And thus Gotham has created another story we so desperately want to see explained.

(Source: Facebook)
This has certainly been one roller coaster episode once again and the trailer for the next one already has me going crazy. I will write another predictions-post about the next episode in a few days, analysing the trailer and telling you what I think might happen. I'm also planning on writing about the whole Oswald x Edward homophobia affair so stay tuned for that. I'm just trying to bridge the time until the next episode and I'm getting more and more worried and excited every day!

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