Tuesday 21 October 2014

Happy Birthday Andrew Scott!!!

Today one of our most beloved actors celebrates his 38th birthday. Say happy Birthday to our Consulting Criminal: Happy Birthday Andrew Scott!!!
Andrew has been one of my favourite actors since I have seen him as brilliant Jim Moriarty. After this I have caught up with a lot of his work and his interviews and have to say that Andrew truly is one of the most fantastic people I have ever seen! He really is one of the best actors I have seen on screen and also as a person he seems to be an awesome guy. After seeing some of his interviews and works he has become one of the actors that animated the wish in me to become an actress myself one day. I hope that one day I might have the opportunity to meat the great Andrew Scott himself. As long as this moment is still away: Andrew, just stay the awesome guy you are, you are loved by all the Scotties out there ^_^

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