Friday 8 August 2014

Peter Capaldi comes and everyone forgets the other Doctors

I have just read an article about Peter Capaldi's new Doctor that comes very soon on August the 23rd. They are all making a big fuss about him what I can understand but what actually bothers me a bit is the fact that they treat Capaldi's Doctor as if there has never been someone like him in the whole time!I love Peter Capaldi as the new Doctor and I'm really looking forward to see him being again a more serious Doctor but I get the feeling that many people are forgetting Doctor Who's history.
They say that the Doctor has finally grown up, he's now all serious and not flirty and he's a darker person and wears almost just black. They all describe it as if that's some big new thing in the Doctor Who history but it's really not! Apart from the fact that there has never been any big flirting in Classic Who and there most of the Doctors were a bit more serious, also in New Who we have such a Doctor: Christopher's alias Doctor number nine! He came from the Time War, wore a black leather jacket and jumpers and was very much like a grown up who could get very angry. And he also wasn't one of the flirty kind with whom every woman in the room immediately feel in love with. Nine was like an adult who could be serious and dark and emotional when it came to his past. But he had not lost entirely his humour, we all love the sassiness of Nine ^_^ He's like an adult who hadn't lost  his sense of humour.
They also see it as a new thing now that the new Doctor will speak with a Scottish accent. I do love a Scottish accent but it's also not new that the Doctor doesn't speak RP. Nine had the gorgeous accent of the North! And after realising that also David Tennant could have kept his wonderful Scottish accent I also think that this is not entirely fair.
I don't want to spoil Capaldi's arriving as the new Doctor, actually I'm quite excited and a fan of him, but they shouldn't forget the Doctors that have been there before David and Matt came with their brilliant hair and their cheeky smiles.  

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