Saturday, 15 August 2015

Finally saying it: I'm transgender

Well, the headline already kind of says everything...

I have been dealing with gender issues my entire life but the past few months it really got back to me and I believe that I finally came to terms with who I really am. Already in kindergarten I had short hair and always wanted to be a boy. When I was in school I didn't say that I'm a boy but I never was the girly one in the group either. I just never considered myself as a feminine person but I didn't say "Hey, I'm a boy." because I thought I couldn't do this; I have long hair and don't have the body of a boy etc. But the past few months I did some research, watched videos on YouTube of Trans-guys and I did realise: what the heck does it matter if my private parts look different and if I have been born with a female name?! It doesn't matter at all!!! What is important is what I feel like and when it comes to your own life you are the boss and no one can say a word.

Not much is going to change now. I'm going by the name of John now and would very much prefer it if people used male pronouns for me. In term of coming out, my parents don't know about and it's gonna take some time until I will be able to tell them. But I'm definitely planning on talking to my friends and with this blog entry I'm also telling you guys on the internet and also my internet friends what is going on. I haven't changed, I'm still the same person you got to know at the beginning of this blog. I'm still mad as hell about Sherlock, Doctor Who, Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston so don't worry about me! You can still talk to me like you used to and I'm still going to giggle about gorgeous pictures of Benedict and Tom and freak out about tiny little details in TV shows. I'm still the same person, I'm still me. I'm just even a bit better now ^_^ So that's the state of things:

My name is John and I'm transgender which doesn't change anything about me.

If you have any questions regarding my "coming out", gender/sexuality issues, if you just want to know something or are afraid that things are gonna change: please don't hesitate to talk to me and ask your questions. I'm very happy to answer anything and to help you guys understand. I also uploaded a video on YouTube where I also explain things a bit better:

A rather short blog entry for such a big topic but if some questions or anything are gonna come up I will write another entry. Until then, be yourself, don't do anything stupid and please: don't be lasagne.