The exams were pretty good, I don't have the results of my written exams yet but my three oral ones were excellent! I just hope that my other exams will turn out just as well and that I will soon be relived of the burden of waiting. I don't have school anymore, in fact I haven't been to school for two months and I will never have to again! There are only a few appointments left now like the graduation ceremony and the ball. Oh god, the ball!!! I'm a little bit afraid because I have never danced in my life (although I'm quite fond of it anyway) and I'm not really a party person. I just hope that the evening will go down peacefully and without any great embarrassment. I still need to ask my friend if she goes to the ball with me because they force us to do an entrance dance at the beginning of the ball and I still need someone for it ^_^ My friend is just as annoyed and uncertain about the whole dancing thing as I am, so I believe that she will say yes and we get this behind us and we both feel stupid about it ^_^
But I still can't quite believe it that I have finished school after twelve years! It have been some exhausting but mostly enjoyable years but I believe that I will think nicely of them when I look back at them in the future. The spare time I got now is almost unbelievable! For the past two years I had to do so much studying and now it's all gone! Finally I find the time to do stuff I never really had the time for. I have been writing on my novel again and that with great excitement! I finally got some difficult parts of it finished and have written so much what I couldn't have done the past few months. I'm near the 300 pages mark and the end is not near yet. If you want to know more about my novel let me know in the comments or message me. I will gladly do it, an author is always happy if he can talk about his work ^_^
And now prepare yourselves ladies and gentlemen because I have eventually joined a fandom that has been there for nearly fifty years and is one of the biggest in the world: Star Trek!!! Yes, after spending an entire day in front of the telly because there was a Star Trek marathon on, I now got hooked and watch the stuff ^_^ I'm currently watching The Next Generation and have finished the first season and I can only say that this universe of Star Trek is simply brilliant! The show may be old but it makes me laugh so much and the characters are really funny and loveable. For the Trekkies among you reading this, if any of you are wondering: my favourite character is Data; he is probably one of the most funniest, smartest and iconic characters ever invented, I can't get enough of him! I will continue to watch The Next Generation of which I have already seen all its movies too and after that I will proceed with the Original Series.
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Where are the Game of Thrones fans??? How brilliant has the fifth season been until now. Don't worry, I won't give any spoilers here but I have got to say that this season is almost as good as the last one. There are still three episodes left and I get the feeling that there will be some interesting plot twists in the final of this season. I look forward to the next episodes and hope that they will continue to keep getting better. Until now they managed it almost every weak to get me out of my seat at the end of every episode ^_^
The 4th of June is coming and the Fannibals among you will know what this means. The third season is finally airing!!! I have seen all the little teasers and trailers they have published and they only make me more and more curios about which way the characters of the show are going to take. Hannibal seems to be enjoying himself in Italy but what are Will and Jack doing? Are they really gonna catch Hannibal so easily? Doubtful but then Hannibal is a show where anything can happen.
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Well, that's it for this time I think. I believe that I will be able to write more often now since I have the time ^_^ I'll try to write about the new episodes and seasons of upcoming shows and will keep you up to date about what is going on in my crazy fandom-filled life. If there's anything you want me to write about or show you or if you wan to see any texts about specific themes, shows or movies, don't hesitate to ask me. Keep your heads for those among you who are still in exam stress and if you are already finished: enjoy the free time and go watch some movies or read a good book. Make it so and don't let anyone bother you. And my final word today obviously has to be: Engage!