Saturday, 28 June 2014

Weclome to my world!

Well, hello there people from all over the world, how are you doing?

As people always do let us have a little introduction first, it's what people do, don't they?

At the time of this first post I'm seventeen years old and currently living in a little town in eastern Germany. As you can probably deduce from the title of this blog, I'm a huge fan of two particular TV shows: Doctor Who and Sherlock. Yes, I know, this combination is not unusual and pretty well known but what can I do about it? I simply love the BBC for making these shows and I also hate the BBC because I can't watch it here on my telly. (Trying to be funny, we'll see how often I do that...)

So, I decided to start a blog about my weird fan life in a little town where I am the only one of my kind: an obsessed fan with crazy theories and thoughts who is in love with men and women who are twenty years older than myself. BUT, I know I'm not the only one in the world with such "problems" so I'm writing this blog to let you know what my Wholock (and every-day-life) stories are and what is really going on in the brain of an obsessed teenager. You can expect some crazy thoughts, funny stories, personal reviews, adoring handsome men and women, Cosplay and Fan Fiction stuff and so many other things I don't yet know about. It's probably all going to be a bit wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey...

I hope I can entertain you a bit and also hope of course that some of you will follow my future journeys through time, space, new cases, puberty and many other great places. (At least I hope so...)

The game is on, Allons-y!